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Epoxy glass fiber wound tube mold die

by:ZTELEC     Time: 2019-11-22

There are two business models, one is to find customers according to the products of the manufacturers, one is to design products according to the market demand.
Ztelec chose the first development model when it was just built, and was slowly eliminated by the market. Later, the chairman went to Shenzhen and other places to study, changed the way of operation, began to tap the market demand, listened to the voice of customers, and processed and upgraded existing equipment and molds.
In order to meet the product requirements of a transformer factory in Korea, we designed and developed a new epoxy glass fiber wound tube mold die and upgraded the winding process.
Ztelec is a manufacturer with customized, fine processing of epoxy glass fiber wound tubes in China.

Epoxy glass fiber wound tube mold die

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